Instantly Create AI Chatbot from Your Data

Instantly create an AI chatbot using your website URL and provide accurate responses from your existing pages to answer customer queries.

Enter URL to train bot
Start Chat

Customer service automation platform trusted by enterprises across the globe

3 Simple Steps to Instantly Create and Deploy an AI Chatbot Trained on Your Data

Upload Data

Simply enter your website URL - we will fetch all of its subpages.
Or, upload your documents in PDF, word doc, or spreadsheet format.

Set Instruction & Tone

Provide instructions to the bot to answer in a specific way.
Align your company's brand tone with your AI chatbot.

Deploy Anywhere

Deploy the bot on websites, mobile apps, and messaging channels.
Provide hyper-personalized superior customer experience.
Get Started for Free →

Create Your AI Chatbot Powered by Generative AI

Image depict that kommunicate chatbot provide instant & accurate answers

Instant & Accurate Answers

Provide instant and reliable answers to customer questions 24/7. Train your AI chatbot with data from your website, knowledge base, or documents and make it data-accurate.

Image depict that you can set your brand tone

Set Your Brand Tone

Set your custom instructions to manage your brand tone across different channels. Control how your chatbot answers questions on every platform.

Image depict kommunicate chatbot provide multilingual assistance

Provide Multilingual Assistance

Provide round-the-clock assistance to a global audience. Get a multilingual AI chatbot capable of conversing in 100+ languages.

Image depict kommunicate chatbot capture high intent leads

Capture High Intent Leads

Guide users to the right solution effortlessly while capturing their details for follow-up sales opportunities.

We prioritize the security and privacy of your data

Image shows hipaa certification as kommunicate is hipaa compliant
Image shows GDPR certification as kommunicate is GDPR compliant
Image shows ISO certification as kommunicate is ISO compliant
Image shows SOC2 certification as kommunicate is SOC2 compliant

Frequently Asked Questions

You can build an AI chatbot using your documents or web pages on Kommunicate. Just plug your documents or web pages into our AI engine, and we’ll train a custom chatbot for your business.

If you are creating an AI chatbot from scratch, it does require a lot of tech expertise. However, Kommunicate lets you build an AI chatbot without any code. Just use your documents and web pages to train a new chatbot and design some conversations to get started. We even have templates that help you get started with conversation design right away.

Our systems can pick up your data and build your AI chatbot in a minute or less.

You can create your AI chatbot with any kind of data. If you’re using documents, you can use spreadsheets, word documents, PDFs, and CSVs to train your chatbot. With webpages, we can read the data from your website to build an AI chatbot.

AI chatbots can answer basic questions about your business. It can be available 24/7 and provide customer support even when human agents are unavailable. It can also handle basic tasks related to order tracking and transactions to improve customer experiences.

Yes, whenever you build your AI chatbot with Kommunicate, you can integrate it with multiple CMSes, apps, messaging systems, social media, CRMs, and ticketing systems. You can see the complete list of our integrations here.

Your data is only used to train the generative AI chatbot you create. We practice state-of-the-art data security and are SOC2, HIPAA, and GDPR certified.

You can use the Kompose Chatbot builder to customize how your AI chatbot responds to your customers. When you build a chatbot, you can set common questions and answers, welcome messages, and other custom messages.

Yes, all our plans come with a 30-day free trial, during which you can build and deploy your AI chatbot for free!

Yes! We can connect any third-party app with an API to the AI chatbot you build with us. You can check how we integrate with platform APIs here.