30 days trial Generative AI No credit card required


Everything on fingertips

Everything on fingertips

Chatbot platform

Bot to human handoff

Team dashboard

Advanced analytics

Cross-platform integration

Easily integrate your chatbot with your websites, web apps, CMS, and mobile apps. Free integration support and guidance on request.

Uplifted CSAT Score by 40%
"We improved our CSAT score, resolution time, and first contact time by constantly analyzing the conversations and instantly acting upon them."
Mushra Hartley

Mushra Hartley

Head of Operations, Lula

Mushra Hartley

Mushra Hartley

Head of Operations, Lula

90% of queries automated
"Kommunicate helped us champion self-serve for our customers. Our customers save more than 4,000 hours each month with the AI chatbot."
Carlos De Lieto Vollaro

Carlos De Lieto Vollaro

Customer Experience Manager, Conte.IT

Carlos De Lieto Vollaro

Carlos De Lieto Vollaro

Customer Experience Manager, Conte.IT